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White House Down Movie Review

Reviewed by on Jul 01, 2013
Rating: 4 Star Rating

White House Down stars Channing Tatum as a policeman confronted with the task of protecting his daughter and the American President (Jamie Foxx) from paramilitary invaders. Read the review on Kidzworld!

Stars Tatum and Jamie FoxxStars Tatum and Jamie FoxxCourtesy of Columbia Pictures

White House Down

Director Roland Emmerich is back in the action-thriller game with a brand new summer blockbuster revolving around the white house and total chaos (he previously directed the 1996 flick Independence Day, starring Will Smith and The Day After Tomorrow). John Cale (Channing Tatum) is a divorced soldier just returned from duty who decides to take his daughter (played by Joey King) to the white house when he finds out he's up for a job with the Secret Service - bad news, he doesn't get the gig, but just as he's about to pack his bags and go the white house is attacked by a paramilitary group that has it out for President Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) and Cale is forced to prove on the spot how qualified he is for the job by protecting his daughter and the President!

John Cale (Channing Tatum) takes his daughter to the White HouseJohn Cale (Channing Tatum) takes his daughter to the White HouseCourtesy of Columbia Pictures

The Bottom Line

If you're looking for a little patriotic pick-me-up just in time for July the 4th, this non-stop action-packed movie should do the trick. Instead of going for serious, it fully embraces the ridiculous spirit of the best action movies, taking a note from one of the classics - Die Hard - almost scene for scene! Emmerich seems to have a thing for blowing up major landmarks in his movies, and 1600 Pennsylvania is the target in this one, but unlike those movies all the real action takes place in one location. You can't help but have fun watching Channing Tatum and the Prez run around the most famous address in the U.S. trying to fight off the bad guys. Pretty silly AND satisfying if you ask us! 

Cale's Secret Service interview is a bust, until things start blowing up!Cale's Secret Service interview is a bust, until things start blowing up!Courtesy of Columbia Pictures

White House Down Movie Rating:4

White House Down is in theaters now, check out the trailer below!


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