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Disney Infinity: Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 03, 2013
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Disney Infinity has arrived for all major consoles. Does it live up to expectations? Check out Kidzworlds Disney Infinity Game Review to find out!

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?"

I'm going to come right out with it. I'm a huge Disney fan. Ever since seeing the early animated films as a child I have been enamored with Disney's worlds, characters and experiences. That love only grew when Pixar was introduced into the family and took storytelling with CG animation to a whole new world.

Thankfully for gamers, the highly anticipated Disney Infinity lives up to the Disney name and explodes onto the scene with a confidence not often seen in a Disney licensed video game. But you'll need to invest a few dollars if you want to get everything you can out of it. Disney Infinity is a lot like Skylanders with the player buying collectible toys which are then placed on the Infinity Board to be played in game. On top of that, there are Infinity Power Discs which are also placed on the Infinity Board. These discs add special abilities, vehicles, weapons, and more to the character of your choosing.

The starter pack, which is the best place to start your Disney Infinity adventures retails for seventy-five dollars. That pack includes the Infinity Board, a Power Disc, three collectible figures including Mr. Incredible, Sully and Jack Sparrow (granting access to their in-game play sets) plus the game disc itself, of course.

Go bananas in the Toy Box!Go bananas in the Toy Box!Courtesy of Disney/Pixar

Play Or Create?

Disney Infinity is made up of two separate modes, Play-Sets and Toy-Box. The Play-Sets are where you complete single or cooperative missions, unlocking items to use in Toy-Box mode. Each play-set is linked to a corresponding set of figures, meaning to play The Incredibles play-set, you'll need to place Mr. Incredible (or any other 'Incredibles' figure) onto the Infinity Board to gain access to it. It all sounds a little confusing but makes sense once you actually get your hands on it and start to play around.

You can't escpape the chopper!You can't escpape the chopper!Courtesy of Disney/Pixar

The starter pack gives you access to three play-sets right off the bat. Pirates, The Incredibles and Monsters University, with Pirates being the stand-out amongst three solid worlds to explore. In Pirates, you'll be causing mischief and battling on the high-seas, with the ability to upgrade and customize your pirate ship. The Incredibles play-set offers an open-word with a city and citizens in need of some super-powered heroism. And finally, in the Monsters University play-set you're tasked with running around two University campuses, pulling pranks to prove your school is the best!

Each mission or objective you complete unlocks some form of item that is then used in Disney Infinity's excellent creation mode, the Toy-Box

Toy-Box, Disney Infinity's second mode is an incredible place to let the imagination run wild. You're able to use everything you've unlocked in the Play-Sets and create all new experiences for you and your friends. Race tracks, battle arenas, magical castles, insane obstacle courses and more are all possible in the Toy-Box and Disney Infinity's great in-game tutorial will have you up to speed in no time. To get the best out of Toy-Box mode from the beginning I suggest playing through the Play-Sets first to unlock as many items as you can.

Check out the Disney Infinity video below

Endless Possibilities

There is a lot of game to enjoy in Disney Infinity after you're finished admiring the charming figures, with each play-set offering roughly five hours of story each along with the potential time-sink of Toy-Box. Now that Disney has Marvel and Star Wars under their banner, it's exciting to think what could potentially be coming down-the-line for Disney Infinity.

I had one big concern with Disney Infinity going into it. Would the investment be worth it? After all, to unlock everything in the game you'll need to have every figure and that cost will add up quickly. As a fan of Disney and games that offer creation-modes, the question that had been looming in my head was answered fully by the time I had finished playing for review. Yes! As a collector, a fan of Disney and admirer of games that offer creation-modes, I can say with assurance, Disney Infinity is worth the price of admission.

Disney Infinity is available now for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, WiiU and 3DS
Starter pack retails for $74.99 (US)
extra figures are $12.99 (US)

Disney Infinity Rating:4

ESRB Rating: E 10+

Have Your Say!

Are you going to get creating in Disney Infinity's Toy-Box mode? Let us know in the comments below!