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Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy 3DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Feb 28, 2014
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Puzzles worth solving. Read our game review of Professor Laytons latest puzzling adventure on Nintendo 3DS.

If you're a fan of puzzle games, you've no doubt played a game in the Professor Layton series for Nintendo portables. The original trilogy was released on the DS and garnered a good reputation for solid puzzles and good story telling and it's safe to say that reputation has been lived up to with Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. The final game in the Professor Layton Trilogy on 3DS.

The cinematics are wonderfulThe cinematics are wonderfulCourtesy of Nintendo

Developer Level 5 and Publisher Nintendo close the book on Professor Layton's latest trilogy and do so in style.

In the beginning of the adventure, Professor Layton receives an invitation to inspect a so called living "mummy" that another professor has discovered. Along with his companions Luke and Emmy, Professor Layton accept the invite and set off on their trip. Not long after arriving at the mummy's location, Professor Layton discovers the found mummy is not what it first appears and is instead a young woman from the Azran civilization, named Aurora.

This new discovery sends Layton and crew on a globe trotting, puzzle-solving adventure that pits them up against a band of evil doers who seek to use the power of the Azran for themselves. The story is wonderfully told through beautifully animated cut-scenes that continuously had me appreciating the work that had gone into them while also motivating me enough to continue playing.

There are plenty of fun and chellenging puzzlesThere are plenty of fun and chellenging puzzlesCourtesy of Nintendo

A puzzle game is only as good as its puzzles and once again Professor Layton, with help from you, the player, will be challenged with a wide range of puzzles and mini-games. My favorite of the mini-games is one where you're tasked with shooting enemy missiles right out of the sky by playing a "spot the difference" game. It requires fast thinking and hands. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is played completely with the stylis, so make sure you have one on-hand.

A couple of the puzzles genuinely had me scratching my head a few times but luckily there are "hint-coins" to find through-out the journey and these can be used to help you solve any tricky puzzles. Thanks to these coins, you'll never find yourself annoyingly stuck somewhere which is great news when you realize the amount of puzzles you have ahead. Dozens upon dozens of brain testers await,  and for the most part, are all a good time.

Another bonus, Nintendo and Level 5 will be releasing a new puzzle every day. So there will be plenty more content incoming. These are available to download via your 3DS over Wi-Fi.

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Launch Trailer


Final Thoughts

A really, really enjoyable and satisfying puzzle game with a fantastic tale told through beautifully animated cut-scenes. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is a must play for puzzle fans and may just be the best puzzle game for the Nintendo 3DS yet.

Available Now!Available Now!Courtesy of Nintendo

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is available for the Nintendo 3DS.

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy:4

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