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Dolphin Tale 2: Exclusive Game Clean Up on Aisle Rufus!

Aug 05, 2014

Rufus, the mischievous pelican, is at it again. A bucket of fresh fish has spilled at the aquarium and Rufus only has one thing on his mind — lunch! Get all of the fish back into the bucket before Rufus can gobble them up!


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Dolphin Tale 2 continues the story of the brave dolphin Winter, whose miraculous rescue and recovery—thanks to a groundbreaking prosthetic tail—made her a symbol of hope and perseverance to people around the world and inspired the 2011 family hit movie Dolphin Tale.

Dolphin Tale 2 PosterDolphin Tale 2 PosterCourtesy of Warner Bros.

Dolphin Tale 2 is in theaters September 12th, 2014!

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