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Dolphin Tale 2 Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Dec 09, 2014
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews the Blu-ray combo back for Dolphin Tale 2, now available!

The inspiring true story of Winter isn’t over. Several years after receiving a prosthetic tail, Winter loses her surrogate mother, leaving her alone, grieving and unwilling to engage with anyone, even her best human friend, Sawyer. Worse, she may have to be moved from her home at the aquarium due to regulations requiring dolphins to be paired. When Dr. Clay Haskett and his dedicated team can’t find her a companion, it looks like they may lose their beloved Winter...until an unexpected turn of events brings them Hope.

Hazel (Cozi) with Sawyer as he tries to cheer Winter upHazel (Cozi) with Sawyer as he tries to cheer Winter upCourtesy of Warner Bros.

The Bottom Line

To say Dolphin Tale was a splash when it was first released would be an understatement - Winter the Dolphin and her inspiring story of learning to live with a groundbreaking flexible prosthetic tail after her incredible rescue was enough to tug on anyone's heartstrings - so it's no surprise that the hit feel-good film is getting a follow-up. Luckily, Dolphin Tale 2 managed to get the original cast back, which in many ways is the key to success for most sequels. In DT2 Winter and the whole crew are back, but the new challenge they face is Winter's life post-rescue. DT2 sticks close to what's important, placing emphasis on the research and rescue elements of the story, from the human perspective to the lives of the marine life they help (like Winter).

Hazel, Sawyer and staff try to heal turtle MavisHazel, Sawyer and staff try to heal turtle MavisCourtesy of Warner Bros.

DT2 is juggling a few more plotlines than the original, and can feel a little full some times - the now-famous marina has its troubles balancing its new found fame and the care of the animals, Dr. Clay's kids are older and have issues of their own while still working at the marina, and even Winter is struggling with losimng her companion dolphin and having to adjust to a new baby rescue  - I mean, no one says they have to get along, right?

Bethany Hamilton swimming with WinterBethany Hamilton swimming with WinterCourtesy of Warner Bros.

If you're mad about marine life, then even though it's not quite a classic, you can't miss this cute tale - and it'll be worth taking home just to see the fantastic rescue animals and mammals over and over.

Blu-ray Special Features:

  • Dolphin Tale 2: Underwater Magic Dolphin Tale 2: True Story
  • Look Who's Running The Show
  • Bethany Hamilton Meets Winter
  • Dolphin Tale 2: The Mission
  • Cozi Zuehlsdorff - "Brave Souls"
  • Gavin DeGraw - "You Got Me"
  • Blooper Reel

Hazel (Cozi) and Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) at the aquariumHazel (Cozi) and Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) at the aquariumCourtesy of Warner Bros.



Dolphin Tale 2 Blu-ray Rating:4

Dolphin Tale 2 Blu-rayDolphin Tale 2 Blu-rayCourtesy of Warner Bros.

Dolphin Tale 2 is available on Blu-ray & DVD December 9th!