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Tomorrowland Delivers Wow Factor Along With Important Messages

Reviewed by on Oct 22, 2015
Rating: 5 Star Rating

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Gerry O. reviews Disneys new Tomorrowland! Watch Gerrys review and interviews on Kidzworld

Reviewed by Gerry O., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

Tomorrowland Video Review


How can you describe this film, a film that is original (which is very rare these days), surprising (also rare) and it has a perfect ratio of pretty much everything! Tomorrowland is a movie of wow that makes you want to go out and do something knowing that nothing is impossible.

This film has everything. It has a wonderful, heartwarming plot with a good 50/50 split of drama and comedy and is filled with many wonderful morals and messages. It can be called a tale, sci-fi, adventure and more. But, this film has something for everyone.

Casey in TomorrowlandCasey in TomorrowlandCourtesy of Disney

Tomorrowland starts off showing a young high school girl named Casey (Britt Robertson) who is told that the world is being polluted, destroyed and slowly ending. She asks why something is not being done about it. One day, she finds a mysterious pin which takes her to a world not in the future, past or present, not on Earth. It is  somewhere beyond our knowledge, known as Tomorrowland. She embarks on adventure trying to get there and meets many people including Frank Walker (George Clooney) who is a former child genius and actually lived in this place for some time.

Casey shows her pin to adult FrankCasey shows her pin to adult FrankCourtesy of Disney

This film is truly an enjoyable experience to watch. Director Brad Bird does an extraordinary job making this a master piece. From the perfect cast to the original story, it is breathtaking to watch. The cinematography is perfect - not too modest and not to forced either. The cast is inspiring. George, Britt and the rest of the cast make jokes, deliver dramatic moments, and everything in between. The relationship between the main characters are sad at times, happy at times. They are heartwarming and draw you in. Disney has really outdone itself so many times and they surprise us again with a very original and nicely done film which will become the next phenomena.

Tomorrowland Interview with Director Brad Bird by Gerry O.


My favorite scene is when Casey, Frank and a girl named Athena (you must watch the film to learn more about this very special character) go to Paris and they launch something out of the Eiffel tower. It is action-packed, funny and stunning to watch. The special effects are out of this world and thrilling.

There are so many moral messages. The main one is “nothing is impossible and never stop questioning the world around you.” In the film, Casey never stops asking questions and, because of this, a very surprising thing happens.

I recommend this film for kids ages 8 to18 and give it 5 out of 5 stars. This film is truly one of the greatest films of the year and wonderfully executed. It opens in theaters on May 22 so don’t miss it.

Tomorrowland Blu-ray Rating: 5

Tomorrowland is now available on Blu-ray and DVDTomorrowland is now available on Blu-ray and DVDCourtesy of Disney

Tomorrowland Red Carpet by Gerry O.


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Film Critic Gerry O.Film Critic Gerry O.Courtesy of KIDS FIRST!
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