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Foods to Fight Your Cold

Jan 09, 2016

We all get sick sometimes, and it seems like it always hits particularly hard at this time of year, when many places worldwide are experiencing chilly weather. There are a lot of great cold remedies out there, but here's a thought - why not eat your way to feeling better? 


  • Garlic is often used to flavor food, and can be added to dishes either in raw form or as a powder or salt. It's used pretty much all over the world, but is especially common in Mediterranean and European cuisine. 
  • Garlic is thought to produce antioxidants once it is in the body, which can help boost your body's immune system. 
  • The health benefits of garlic are most potent when garlic is consumed raw, but the taste isn't for everyone. If you'd rather try garlic out a different way, you're in luck. It's possibly to buy garlic in pill form. 

It's not just good for fending off vampires! It's not just good for fending off vampires! Courtesy of The Huffington Post

Red Peppers

  • Of all citrus fruits, you probably think first of eating oranges when you feel a cold coming on. Interestingly, though, one red pepper actually contains more vitamin C than one large orange!
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which, just like with garlic, can help prevent colds.
  • Red peppers also contain vitamin A, which can help the body absorb iron. Because of this, red peppers are a great food to eat along with your main source of iron (the meat portion of your meal, for example). Iron can keep you feeling strong and energetic. 

Red bell peppers taste great and are good for fighting off a cold.Red bell peppers taste great and are good for fighting off a cold.Courtesy of saltedkitchen.com


  • Are you someone who likes a nice bowl of oatmeal in the morning? You're way ahead of the game! Oats contain a type of fiber that has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which can prevent colds and the flu. This fiber may even help wounds heal faster! 
  • Steel-cut or rolled oats are probably your best option if you're trying to eat healthy. You'll also want to make sure to avoid pre-packaged oatmeal, which may be heavily processed and will likely contain a lot of unnecessary sugar
  • Oats also contain iron, which never hurts!

Up your immune system with rolled oats!Up your immune system with rolled oats!Courtesy of acozykitchen.com

Other foods that can help you fight off a cold include mushrooms, blueberries, and sweet potatoes. There are lots of delicious meals you could make with any of these food items! And, let's fact it, when you're feeling sick, you'll try anything to make yourself feel better. You have our permission - go ahead and get eating! 

Have Your Say!

Do you have any cold-fighting remedies to share? We'd love to hear about them in our comments section!