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Geography - The Lost City of Atlantis - Feedback

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

During the Early Stone Ages a city existed that was so technically advanced it seemed out of a sci-fi movie. In one night Atlantis vanished under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, lost forever. - Page 2

Here's what Kidzworld members think about the Lost City of Atlantis. What are your thoughts?

1 I believe.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: yugi7
Age: 14

1 I believe it exists.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: genuis
Age: 14

1 I believe. I know somone who claims to be an Atlantian.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Rainbow_Angel82
Age: 10

1 I believe Alantis is real. How do we know it's not? Have you read the Sheperd's Journal?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Sk8terBoi
Age: 12

1 Atlantis is real because I went there before. It is right there by the Bahamas.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: peaches5220
Age: 16

1 I belive it exists. History always fascinated me since I was very young. I remember hearing about Atlantis before in movies and books. This description is confusing but I can understand it perfectly.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: BabyJazz100
Age: 16

1 No one has seen Atlantis except in their imagination. And yes, it is real. Plato was a wise being, he wouldn't tell lies.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: karate4life
Age: 15

1 I think Atlantis was real. Edgar Casey, a very well known psychic healer of his time, said he saw the documetation of Atlantis in a chamber or tomb under the front feet of the Sphinx. Also the lion was said to be the sacred animal of Atlantis and hello, the sphinx was obviously once a lion before its head was recarved. Egyptians were very precise with their carvings to make things to scale, and the head is much too small for its body. And the Egyptians were very advanced for their time - they even had forms of batteries and lightbulbs, and an advanced mummification system that we have yet to duplicate. So what's to say there wasn't an advaced city before them? Can't rule out the possiblity.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Japakracka
Age: 15

1 I believe in Atlantis. I am so intrested in it. I've always been intrested in Atlantis. I wish I could figure out what happened or if someone else did I just wish I could at least see it!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Nobodycares9800
Age: 13

Find out what more Kidzworld peeps think about the myth of Atlantis by heading over here!

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