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Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever

7 ways to get started on bright, new changes!

Jan 16, 2021

It’s 2021—yay!  Sayonara, 2020!  So what now?  Start the year off right, off course!  But how?  For starters, instead of dwelling on how bad 2020 was, thank it for the lessons it taught and promptly send it on its way. Then use all you learned to create fresh beginnings for the new year.  No matter what changes you want to make this year, it’s never too late to hit the “reset” button on your goals!  And what better time than now?

Start the new year off on the right foot!Start the new year off on the right foot!Courtesy of Whbnews.com

Spice up your look

You know how a new haircut can make us feel amazing?  That’s what I mean.  Add a little confidence to your step and help defeat the winter blahs by putting care and effort into your morning get-ready routine.  Even if you’re not going anywhere for the day, this is worth doing.  (Bye-bye, ragged sweatpants and stretched-out T-shirt!)  A little extra self-care can work wonders for your mood and outlook.  So wear clothes and accessories that make you feel good.  Try a new hairstyle.  Be creative with your look, and that creativity may help inspire you throughout the day with other stuff.

Don't start the year in a style rut!  Check online sources like Pinterest for new style inspiration.Don't start the year in a style rut! Check online sources like Pinterest for new style inspiration.Courtesy of Guideposts.org

Spice up your room

You may feel so good after you’ve cleaned up your look that you want to clean up your room!  Okay, maybe not deep-clean it, but at least declutter it a bit and add a few new accessories.  Just like your look, your room is an expression of you and all of the things you care about.  Clutter around us can make our brains feel cluttered, so it’s worth clearing your dresser, shelves, desk, etc., of stuff that isn’t useful or meaningful in some way.  Then, add some new wall art, a tapestry, or a strategic pop of color to your walls and/or ceiling.  Rearrange your furniture.  Get some new pillows for your bed.  You’ll be surprised at the change!

Simple things like a photo arrangement, lights, a tapestry or throw pillows can make your room feel like new.Simple things like a photo arrangement, lights, a tapestry or throw pillows can make your room feel like new.Courtesy of Weheartit.com

Try something new—and stick with it

You know that thing in the back of your head that you’ve always wanted to try, but have never had the time/guts/motivation to look into doing?  This can be the year to expand your horizons and pick up a new interest or learn about something that fascinates you.  Maybe it’s skiing or snowshoeing, meditation or yoga, jewelry-making, photography, or learning about another culture.  Whatever it is, try it, and then resolve not to abandon it.  Learning new things keeps your mind and body active, and you’ll feel awesome when you check that thing off your bucket list.

Trying new stuff keeps life interesting and fun!Trying new stuff keeps life interesting and fun!Courtesy of Barefoottheory.com

Read a book

This kind of goes along with trying something new, only reading about that new thing will help you gain a deeper understanding of it.  Pick some books out that interest you.  Or, read a novel.  The key is to read about something that lights you up, whether it’s a fascinating subject or an intriguing story.  Not to mention, reading is relaxing.  When’s the last time you’ve walked into your local library?  Many libraries have a teen section geared just to you—It’s worth checking out.  So grab a book, a warm drink, and find a comfy spot to chill and read.

Reading is a great escape, it's easy to do, and it's inexpensive.  Discover a book that you're too obsessed with to put down.Reading is a great escape, it's easy to do, and it's inexpensive. Discover a book that you're too obsessed with to put down.Courtesy of Isliplibrary.org

Revamp your routine

If you often feel sluggish, irritated, and overall uninspired, your daily routine could be to blame.  Your body’s health has a huge effect on everything else in your life, and it may be screaming out for some TLC.  Are you going to bed too late and not sleeping much?  Eating boxed and bagged snack foods all day and downing soda, energy and coffee drinks?  This stuff is okay in moderation, but as a main staple in your diet, they leave your mind, body and spirit depleted and at more of a risk for metabolic diseases. 

Take out a piece of paper and write down your daily routine—Is there enough relaxation time in there?  Too much time obsessing over stuff on your phone? Mindfulness researchers at Harvard have seen that consistent meditation helped people sleep better, feel less stressed, and experience fewer symptoms of depression.  Meditation can also help you get to know yourself better.  You can download cool free apps like Calm and Headspace to get started easily.  You may need to pay a fee to unlock certain meditations.

Maybe you’re committed to activities you don’t really care about but “feel” like you have to do.  Or conversely, maybe you’d benefit from becoming more involved in your school, church or community.  If you’re honest with yourself about your habits and make small, gradual changes to your schedule over the long haul, you’ll notice a huge difference in the way you feel.

How is your daily routine making you feel?  Be honest with yourself, and then make small changes in priorities if necessary.How is your daily routine making you feel? Be honest with yourself, and then make small changes in priorities if necessary.Courtesy of Success.com

Reconnect with others

Can you imagine what it’s going to be like when we gather in crowds again?  What it’s going to be like to hug, go to concerts and games, and hang out with big groups of friends?  We’ll have to wait until later in the year for that, but it’s something awesome to look forward to.   Until then, we can make exciting plans for (hopefully) the fall and beyond.  As more people become vaccinated and life slowly returns to some semblance of normal, we can reach out to those we may have lost touch with and rediscover forgotten connections.  In fact, if there’s someone you miss, why wait?  Resolve to call them up now.  We need meaningful connections at this moment in time, more than ever.

Look forward to later on in the year when we can hopefully all be together again!Look forward to later on in the year when we can hopefully all be together again!Courtesy of Timeout.com

Step into your power

2020 was the year of the unexpected, and we often felt powerless about what was happening around us.  While there are many things we can’t change, there are plenty of things we can.  This can be your year to do that thing that you keep thinking about but haven’t been able to bring yourself to do.  It can be your year to stop caring about what others think of you.  It can be your year to meet new people who care about the same things you do.  It can be your year to get involved in something you're passionate about, or to stand up for someone who needs a friend. 

Standing in your power can mean that hurtful words and actions of others don’t affect you as much, because you know that they’re not true. This takes practice by doing things like meditation, self-reflection and journaling.  Each of us is different—Your job is to be you, to be proud of it, and to shine your light in your own unique way.


If you feel like this is a year for great things to happen, but aren’t sure where to start, try whatever speaks to you on our list.  Do it on a consistent basis to add some extra health and joy to your life.  A little effort every day goes a long way!