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Kool Kat Dishes About Online Dating

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Check out the advice that Kidzworld member kool Kat is dishing up about online relationships, chat room dating and other love tips.

All of you boys and girls come on here to make friends. But sometimes you become more than that. You start fancying somebody. The question is do you start being BF and GF?


Here's What I Think:

There are reasons you should date someone online and reasons you shouldn't. You should because you will be extremely happy knowing that someone likes you so much and you'll be happy talking to them.

You shouldn't because if you meet up then they may not be the person you thought they were and it could turn nasty. You never know what could happen. I myself approve of it (apart from the meeting up,) because I have a wonderful boyfriend on here and he understands me and is just like me. And also, I can talk to him about stuff that I couldn't possibly tell a parent or friend because they may take it the wrong way.

If you have reasons that you think are appropriate or not, leave a message on the boards for kool Kat and I'll get back to you. Oh and always try to stay safe on the internet. We wouldn't want anything happening to you.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: kool Kat


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