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Rat Tailz Skateboards

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Rat Tailz, by SPORT-FUN, is going with the smaller is better concept. Theyve invented the worlds smallest skateboard - with a flip tail! Find out whether this skateboard is a great ride, or not.

There was a time, so the books of much history stuff tell us, that bigger was better. Big cars, big shoes and even bigger hair. Now, everything is all about downsizin'. From hybrid autos, to MP3 players, to the King of Pop's nose, smaller is fully functional. So, it only makes sense that SPORT-FUN, the leader in licensed skateboards (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Justice League, X-Games, Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Hulk movie and Spider-Man, The Movie,) and longest producer of skateboards in America, should also think small.

Hang on to your backside, goofyfoot, cuz here comes Rat Tailz, the world's smallest rideable skateboard. This 11-inch maple board comes with metal trucks, speed bearings and... wait for it... a revolutionary, transforming tail. Not only can you ride 'em, you can collect 'em! Featuring the fantasy skateboard team, R.A.T.Z. (Radical Animal Thrashin' Zaniacs,) there are nine different board and tail combinations available for only $9.99. Face it, the price is tight. And from a, "Hey, I've got my board in my back pocket" perspective, it's pretty cool. From a, "Wow, this board is the size of my foot and it's got a tail" point of view, it kinda sucks. But what do I know? I thought Beanie Babies were LOL. Check it out yourself, just don't attempt any tailslides. And peeps, smaller doesn't mean safer... helmets please!


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