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Dear Dish-It, I Just Want More Freedom

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is thinkin' about this some more, so TTYL.

Dear Dish-It,

I'm a 15 year-old girl that is very confused. My life is pretty good, I have a great family and decent friends but during the weekends and over spring break I'd like to be doing things with my friends. Instead, I'm stuck at home watching my two little sisters and writing to you guys, LOL. I mostly can talk to my friends about everything but when it comes to talking to my mom and dad, well let's just say there's not a lot of that. They expect me to be the all-American daughter and be a role model for my younger sisters. I just want to be me! My parents love me, and I know this, but they can't shield me from everything my whole life.

I want to be independent and it's really hard to do that because of the short leash my parents keep me on. I know I have my whole life to experience things but I'd at least like to do some daring things in my younger years. My mom wasn't exactly the perfect kid and she's gotten into some trouble before. So, why does she expect me to be perfect? She seems like she doesn't want to me do some of the same things that she did, because she knows what will happen but I'd like to see what happens for myself. A couple of my friends tried doing drugs for the first time, and I'm not sure if I want to do it with them. I mean, sometimes I guess it's good that I have to watch my sisters, because they got caught and in trouble. How do I tell my parents that I need some space?

Click here to find out what Dish-It has to say to Nae.


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