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Dear Dish-It, I Just Want More Freedom (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Nae,

I know it feels like you're the only kid whose parents are being unreasonable but the reality is that everyone's 'rents drive them crazy at some point. Whether it's being over-protective, being distant or just plain unreasonable - parents definitely aren't always the perfect people we'd like them to be. So what can you do about the dilemma you find yourself in? Well, first, you need to have a chat with the 'rents. While they may not be ready to do a complete 360� on the way they treat you, you may be able to turn them around a little bit.

Sit them down (without your younger sibs around,) and explain why you think you deserve a bit more freedom. Have you been maintaining your grades? Do you come home on time on a regular basis? It might take you pointing out all the reasons your mom and dad can trust you for them to realize that you're no longer a little kid. I think your parents are probably aware of what a great, responsible, mature person you are but they aren't ready to risk losing that person. And, if you're bummed about missing your chance to do drugs with your friends, then it's clear that they have reason to worry. Opening up to the 'rents - even though it's really hard - will show them that you are serious about this. But, if they agree with you and give you more freedom, then it's time to start thinking seriously about how you use it. Good Luck!

So gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinking about stuff like teen suicide, depression, sex, low self-esteem, boyfriends, girlfriends, losing old friends, bullying or peer pressure but are too scared to ask the 'rents? Don't be scared to .

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