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Fashion Police :: Best and Worst Dressed of 2003 (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

Ok, so we've caught a few of your favorite singers wearing some fashion felonies and you've handed out some fines. Now it's time to give out some awards for those stars who really have been shining this Spring. Get in there and cast your vote!


Which One Deserves A Style Award?

Which of these stars is the best dressed of Spring 2003 - Anna Paquin or Jake Gyllenhaal?


Kirsten Dunst's latest BF, Jake Gyllenhaal shows that you don't have to wear a tux to look dashing. His simple black suit and slightly unbuttoned, biege shirt make him look sophisticated but not uptight. And it was a nice move ditching the tie - ties are way too dad-like! She may play a mutant on the big screen but X2's Anna Paquin looks far from freaky in this super-cute, black, polka-dot dress. Stars like Kelly Osbourne have already shown us how stylish polka-dots can be and Anna takes that one step further with this v-neck, sheer dress. So what do you think? Who's the better dressed celeb of this pair? Cast your vote!

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