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Dragon Ball Z CCG: Buu Saga Cards

Dec 27, 2006

The Buu Saga card set for the wicked Dragonball Z Collectible Card Game unleashes Majin Buu and his evil buddies into the world of the Dragonball Z CCG. The new cards let you battle against the heroic Dragonball Z warriors as the big, pink, eating machine. You can also battle as Majin Vegeta, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan and you can even fuse Goten and Kid Trunks to create the super-strong Gotenks!

Here's the 411 on what's new in the Buu Saga and how much kick it'll add to your fave Dragonball Z deck.


A card with Empower lets you choose to cause extra damage, or have a special effect. This is a great way to add some extra options to your combat moves without needing extra cards!


You can create this super-strong warrior by using The Fusion Dance card on Goten and Kid Trunks. The fusion is hard to do and only lasts for five rounds, but with a power level of up to 8,000,000 your opponent will be toast in no time.

Majin Buu

He's big, pink, and boy is he hungry! He also hits like a sledgehammer with his high power level and damage bonuses. Majin Buu can even compete with Gotenks if he gets to a high enough character level. If you want to make lil' crunchy bits out of your opponent, Majin Buu is the character for you!

  • Click here for the rest of the info on the Dende Dragonballs, the fold-out character cards and a final score for the DBZ CCG: Buu Expansion!

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