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Sindy's Blog :: Kidzworld Member Feedback (pg.2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Take a look at what Kidzworld members have to say about Sindys free teen online journal and whats going on in her life!

1 I would have cried too. In fact, I did cry just about a few days ago when I found out that a guy I had a crush on had a GF. But he was special to me and was nice and made sure that I was OK. He told me that he wasn't going to cheat on his GF, and I respected that. Who knows, maybe someday, him and I could become closer. As for you, tough it out, you can do it. Or talk to your guy friend and Sara. Maybe it was a total misunderstanding. And don't forget - you're NEVER too big to cry.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: hobbitgrl822
Age: 14

1 I hear ya! My 'rents are getting divorced, my friends aren't talking and I'm totally in a mess!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: sporty2003
Age: 13

1 Girl, don't sweat it. It's completely okay to be upset. You just lost someone you cared about - especially to a friend. But don't jump to conclusions and hate her. Get her side of the story and see if she actually did turn on you. And this Dylan guy doesn't sound like the faithful BF every girl is looking for. It may take a while, but you'll get over him and you'll find someone who is actually worth your time and affection. Oh and don't go too crazy with the ice cream. I mean that stuff is good but makes you gain weight. Try low-fat frozen yogurt - trust me it's just as good. Don't hate yourself for crying. Heck, I'm one of the toughest girls at my school but I'm a total crybaby, so don't even worry about that. Stay cool and keep it real sista. Lots o' luv.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Haitian4Life
Age: 14

1 Sindy, you're not stupid - it's just the pain of seeing your man with another girl. That's happened to me. Girl, the guy was a moron. You just gotta get one of his friends and go out with him.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Katy_bug_13
Age: 10

1 Hey Sindy, that really sucks about your boyfriend. But let's face it - if he was lousy enough to cheat on you, then he didn't even deserve you. Same goes with your so-called friend.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: BeckyB
Age: 14

1 I'm having the same problem. Don't be a loser.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Bratgirl22
Age: 13

1 I've been homeschooled my whole life, and I know my mom means well, but I feel like a socially deprived PSYCHO!!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Toxic_Blue1000
Age: 15

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