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April Fools' Practical Jokes & Pranks Feedback

Reviewed by on Apr 01, 2012
Rating: 1 Star Rating

April Fools Day is just around the corner so Kidzworld has brought you some of the coolest tricks to get you in the holiday spirit. - Page 2

A great April Fools' Day prank is to buy a box of Italian ices (such as Luigis) and eat all of them, but save the containers and put the tops back on them. Then put the box back in the freezer and watch everyone fall for the joke!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: missfancycat
Age: 12

1 I have a really good one. You take toilet paper and unvavel it so that a marker doesn't show through. Then with the marker write: "Help, I'm lost in a toilet paper factory," and whoever goes to the bathroom next will get a joke out of that one!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Monkeyluver
Age: 12

1 I have one. This is exactly the same prank as the one where you put a rubberband over the sprayer. But mine is a bit different. You tape the sprayer instead of putting a rubberband around it and you take a marker and you color the tape the same color as your sprayer at the sink. It works, trust me.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: AC-DCfan
Age: 14

1 I have a good one. You take Pam and spray it on the toilet seat, and the next person who goes to the bathroom might have a little problem!

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 12

1 At school our science teacher was giving us new seats and had her back to us. We all just walked out of the classroom and down the hall. When we came back like 10 minutes later... She said she didn't even realize we left until she turned around! The best part was everyone in the class did it!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: SimplePlanRoker
Age: 15

1 For April Fools' Day... when you get to school wait until the teacher leaves the room, then take the erasers and stick the chalk in them. They'll be surpirsed when they try to erase the board!

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 13

1 I put salt in my sister's water when I set the dinner table When she drank it she spit it right out into the sink

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 12

1 If your teacher is a BIG chocolate fan, get a chocolate bar and tie some fishing wire and tie it around the bar, but make sure she isn't in the room, then when she reaches for the bar, pull it before she grabs it!

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 14

1 You ask someone if they want something to eat and if they say yes then go get them the food and put salt on or in whatever they wanted! My sis did this to me and she had to eat all of it! Haha.

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 15

1 My sister came home from school with Band-aids on her face and told my mom she got in a fight and got a note from the principle! My dad actually believed it and was like, "Did you really get in a fight, did you really punch her?" It was hilarious and it worked really well.

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 14

1 My brother's birthday is April 1st, so while he was sleeping, my older brother and sister went into his room and took everything out except his bed and a poster we made telling him he'd been fooled. Then we baked a fake cockroach in his cake - it was really funny to see his face. Then we all laughed.

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 14

1 My brother's birthday is April 1st, so while he was sleeping, my older brother and sister went into his room and took everything out except his bed and a poster we made telling him he'd been fooled. Then we baked a fake cockroach in his cake - it was really funny to see his face. Then we all laughed.

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 14

Do you know any great April Fool's pranks & practical jokes? Had any played on you or got anybody really good?

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