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Taming Wild Tigers

Dec 27, 2006

With the recent release of Two Brothers, there's no better time to talk about tigers. Sure, everyone knows that the lion is the King of the Jungle, but did you know that tigers are actually the biggest member of the cat family? Read on for more tiger tidbits!

Tigers - A Breed Apart

Even though they all have the same orange-and-black coloring (there is one exception, but more on that in a bit), there are actually five different subspecies of tigers. They are: Amur (better known as Siberian), Bengal, Indochinese, South China, and Sumatran. It's in the Bengal subspecies that you will find the famous white tigers, which are extremely rare and don't even exist in the wild anymore!

Tigers - Where In The World?

Aside from those that live in zoos, the majority of tigers can be found in Asian countries like India and China. Despite the similar names, sabretooth tigers are not at all related to today's tigers (they're both from the cat family, though!).

Tigers - Vanishing Point

Around 100 years ago, there were over 100,000 wild tigers in the world! Now, because of poaching and our expanding population, there are only 7,000 wild tigers left. However, thanks to the efforts of many zoos, it's unlikely tigers will ever become extinct - although there is a good chance wild tigers might disappear off the face of the earth. If you'd like to learn more or even help, there are plenty of resources on the internet - www.tigersincrisis.com is a great place to start!

Tigers - Did U Know?

  • A group of tigers is called a streak, however tigers generally prefer to live alone.
  • Tigers can eat around 40 pounds of meat at one sitting.
  • Unlike their domesticated cousins, tigers love water and are excellent swimmers.
  • Tigers generally live to be 15 years old.
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