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Making The Team

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Check out the Kidzworlds Coachs free coaching tips for kids on how to do well at school sports team tryouts.

School has started up again which means homework, boring classes and teachers who don't understand how funny spitball fights are. It's also the time of the year for team tryouts, which many players hate. There's nothing worse than showing off your moves and wondering if you'll get picked while the coach makes notes on a clipboard. But they are a fact of life in a lot of sports - so here are some tips for making the team and dealing with cuts.

School Sports Tryouts - Be In Shape

If you're physically fit and well rested you'll have a better chance of making the team - whether it's football, soccer, cheerleading or any other sport. Get at least eight hours sleep the night before and make sure you've had a high-energy meal before going to practice. Make sure you take in plenty of fluids so you don't dehydrate. Work hard but if you're too hot or feeling queazy, tell your coach and take a rest. Taking a break is not going to hurt your chances as much as puking or passing out on the field will.

School Sports Tryouts - Show No Fear

Don't worry or panic too much about being cut - that'll just distract you. You'll do much better at tryouts if you relax and have a good time. Just try your best and forget about the cuts altogether.

School Sports Tryouts - Don't Whine

There's nothing coaches hate more than a snively, little whiner. Taking a break is cool - but don't go on and on about how tired you are, or about not getting the ball. Have a positive attitude. If your coach asks you to play a position you don't usually play - just do it. It'll show that you're a well-rounded, team player. Talk to your coach before tryouts start and ask him or her what you can do to be a better player.

School Sports Tryouts - Show Your Stuff

If you've got game, don't be afraid to show it. You don't want to be too much of a ball hog or a show-off - but there's nothing wrong with driving hard to the hoop or tackling a player hard to the ground. Always try to involve your teammates and encourage other players.

School Sports Tryouts - What If I Get Cut?
It's not the end of the world if you don't make the team. It happens to a lot of people. Even Michael Jordan was cut from the basketball team in junior high. Just because you get cut from a team, it doesn't mean you should stop playing sports. You can always find another place to play - like a community center or your backyard. Be positive, work hard and then try out again next time. We're all good at different things - so just make sure you're doing something you like and have fun.

Do you have any tips or suggestions about team tryouts? to the Kidzworld Coach.

1 If you don't make the team don't sweat it - you'll make it next year.
Nickname: sassy085464535

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