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Celebrity Plastic Surgery

Dec 27, 2006

It seems like one of the most common things in Hollywood is plastic surgery. Celebs are going under the knife for breast enlargements, nose jobs, tummy tucks and liposuction. But how many celebs have actually had plastic surgery? For some, it's obvious that they've had work done, but for others, it's hard to tell. So let's try to settle the rumors once and for all!

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is one of the hottest teen actresses, but constantly deals with questions about her large breasts! Rumor has it the 17 year-old got breast implants; otherwise, how can someone that young have such big boobs, right? Well, keep in mind that everyone's built differently. Lindsay says her breasts are real and even poked fun at the issue during her appearance on Saturday Night Live, where she played an extremely voluptuous Hermione in a spoof of Harry Potter!

Britney Spears

Remember way back when Britney Spears went into the hospital for a knee operation and came out looking more voluptous? Well, since then she has repeatedly denied she got breast implants. But did she or didn't she? It's hard to tell if her boobs are fake cuz sometimes they look huge and other times, she looks, well, flat-chested! So maybe she just likes to wear an amazingly padded Wonderbra - guess we'll always keep on wondering.

Click here for more celebrity plastic surgery rumors!

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