Get all the tips and help you need to master the goth look. From make-up to hair to fashionable goth clothing, weve got what every teen needs to know. - Page 5
Mmmm, well although I could pick things out from each one of the previous articles. I must say I agree with acidalayde the most. Being gothic has nothing to do with your outer appearance. How you dress may reflect your inner goth-ness but it really is nothing more than an image that is perceived by everyone a little differently. Music is a great influence and Cradle of Filth was an excellent example of vampiric goths. The first goths were a Germanic culture that believed strongly in Christianity. The fact that all the little Hot Topic kids run around saying, 'I'm goth, I don't believe in God,' is really quite sickening. You can be goth and still believe in god. I am labeled as a true goth yet I still believe that there is a God. I am not an athieist as most people choose to think they are when they convert to gothdom. Hot topic...really? If you are trying to avoid the trends don't shop there - it makes you just as trendy as the average preppy girl or guy you see about. There are many different sub-goths and there are the elite goths who try far too hard and base everything upon the attitude "gother than thou". But who am I to say what goth is. As far as the elitists are concerned I am just another "poser". We are all posers. Everyone in the world has based their identity on somebody elses, thus we are all posers.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: ImperfectCry
Age: 16
Your article on gothic style/fashion upsets me. None of those things are necessary to be a goth or, what is known as a goth today. History lesson of the day: goths were the first Germanic people to become Christians. Somehow (this I am not sure of) this term "goth" started being used for people with a darker style, perhaps for what the actual Germanic people were like, I don't know. But goths today have a darker style because of the way that they view life and the way that they feel - not because of the clothes they wear or what color they dye their hair. These things are unnecessary. It's about your personal style and thoughts, not what you wear. So all these stupid kids saying "Oh! I wanted to go goth! This is a super article!", you can't just "go" goth. You can dress in a style that is "gothic", but if you're as peppy as all hell, good luck being accepted by people who truly live for the darker things in life. Hopefully all that made sense.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: feral
Age: 16
Yes, so you all know, almost everything any one of you has said thus far is either completely incorrect or far- fetched. First of all, music can define what type of "goth" you are. However, to get the records straight for all you beginners: Regardless of what anyone has told you, Cradle of Filth is as fake as it gets. They used to be good, but now they're a corporate machine for mallrats and "black metal" posers. If you honestly want to get into Black Metal, get into The Covenant, Borknagar, Burzum, Ancient or Dark Funeral. If you don't like it, you don't like black metal. Don't try. Also, Slipknot is what we metalhead veterans call NU METAL. This category includes Godsmack, Kittie, Manson, Slipknot, Korn, and any other band that lacks such musical talent. Listen to Children of Bodom. Talent. Guitar Solos. Excellent Ones. Good Charlotte, Blink, Simple Plan.... Nu Punk. If they only use power chords, they are bad. In general, punk bands are metal bands that don't downtune their instruments and can't play that well. Goth is not a style you suddenly get into. You slowly introduce yourself to it. Don't model yourself after what you see in the malls. They're there to be looked at, because they like it when they're called weirdos or goths. They're in the "scene" for the attention. Jeans are allowed. Goth is a place of mind, not a color. And please, if you're going to attempt any facet of the gothic lifestyle, learn about how it started. Read about Pagans and the Gothics from B.C. You don't have to destroy your hair with dyes and bleaches either. Black make-up, nail polish, hair, and clothing are not necessities in any sense. Boots are not necessary either. I'm sorry to break your hearts, but Hot Topic is not great store. If you haven't noticed, they overprice and their stuff falls apart in a couple months. For all you beginners, when you walk out the door in Hot Topic attire, you look like a store bought plastic doll. Gothic is not about the price tag hanging over your head. And please, once again, don't look like a moron with an upside down cross on your head. It's embarrassing for the rest of us whom don't put nearly as much effort into our daily ensembles. Metallica doesn't rock anymore. Their last good album was And Justice For All. Lastly, if you insist on picking up an instrument, don't leap to the guitar. There are enough guitarists in the world to choke a horse. However, if you insist, B.C. Rich guitars are not good. They're absolutely horrible. And they're not "evil". Buy a Gibson. I have a Gibson Les Paul Custom in Alpine White. It's the best instrument I've ever picked up. And don't settle and stop getting better when you can play through all your Slipknot CDs. Settle when you can play every Yngwie Malmsteen solo.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Children of Bodom
Age: 16
Well, I think this is a really good article. But come on, isn't it stereotyping a bit? Cuz like, I'm a gothic, but I don't where makeup often, or walk around all day wearing leather and zips. If you wanna see a real gothic, look up the band H.I.M. on Google or Yahoo or something like that.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Villerules
Age: 11
These other people are right. Goth is not having black make-up and clothes. That's like just to show what they are. I'm goth and I don't wear that. I'm goth because of my attitude. And a note to killswitch-engage** GC ROCKS! They're not posers but they're not goth - just punk.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: riotgrl159
Age: 13
God! You guys are SILLY - nearly as much as me! Lol! To be a goth, you don't need boots to be a goth! I've been a "goth" for yonks and I don't wear botos, I wear sk8 shoes like Airwalks. You don't even need to dye your hair. I've not dyed it once! Another thing - STUDS AND ZIPPERS! I'd rather be seen dead than wear them! In my case, you don't even have to wear all black! I don't. I wear more reds and blue at the moment, even thoough black is my favorite color. Ooooo I got kinda annoyed when I read this!
P.S. I agree with Acidalayde - labels are for soup cans!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: pixies_rule
Age: 14
I think this site is a bunch of crap! You don't go around giving instructions to people on what they should be! If they want to be it bad enough they figure it out! I like the heavy make-up thank you. It is not unattractive. Goth is not about the make-up or crap like that, it's about beliefs! If you're trying to be goth, you're a poser - face it! Go find out what you really are!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: horrid romance
Age: 16
That's great. IF YOU'RE A POSER! This is not gothic at all! Manson is not gothic, and the people who follow these tips are not gothic and never will be. Gothic is something that you're born with. You can't just "turn" gothic! I hate you people so much!
Kidz Submit by:
Age: 15