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Bethany Joy Lenz Interview (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

By: Sindy

Sindy: You've already taken on the world of acting and singing, do you have any aspirations to follow in the footsteps of other celebrities and design your own clothing or accessories?
Bethany: Absolutely, I've already designed a few things I'm trying to get patented, and I hope to design formal and casual dresses someday.

Sindy: What has been the biggest challenge so far in your career?
Bethany: Being on location away from my family, and fighting off the temptation to get caught up in that cliche "Hollywood" mentality. It can be a very seductive lifestyle if you're not careful.

Sindy: Have you ever felt that you have to look a certain way to work in Hollywood?
Bethany: Absolutely. Lies about your physical appearance in Hollywood creep in like a nasty serpent in your bed. It's awful. "Who's got the best outfit?", "Who's makeup artist is terrible?", etc... I've really been learning that I have to choose to believe that it is not my clothes or my hair or my makeup that is going to make me shine. It's a battle I fight everyday with myself.

Sindy: What do you do to stay in shape?
Bethany: It's not so much to stay in any particular shape as it is just to feel healthy for my [kwlink 1184]body type[/kwlink]. My body takes pretty quickly to physical activity... it just sort of wakes up and sucks in! Lol! I enjoy Pilates, 15-20 minutes on the treadmill, free weights, dancing, walking... the basics, I guess.

Sindy: Favorite food?
Bethany: I think my palate is changing right now... I used to love sweets, but now I prefer savory foods. I could never nail down one favorite, but I did have rabbit once in France... it was prepared like a crab cake and it was DIVINE!

Sindy: What are you favorite TV Shows? Movies?
Bethany: TV: LOST is the best show on television by a landslide, Arrested Development, Joan of Arcadia, 24, and I Love Lucy is always on my TiVo. MOVIES: About A Boy, Braveheart, Equilibrium, Much Ado About Nothing, Newsies, French Kiss and Last of the Mohicans probably top the list.

Sindy: What is the one item of clothing you couldn't live without?
Bethany: Jeans, are you kidding!? My American Eagle jeans I could live in.

Sindy: Who is your role model?
Bethany: I would never put that kind of pressure on a mortal.

Sindy: What made you change the spelling of your name?
Bethany: LOL... Well, I changed it to JOIE when I was 13 because I thought it would make me unique. Luckily I learned that I don't need a funny name to be special, so I changed it back to my birthname before One Tree Hill started. Bethany Joy Lenz is on my birth certificate.

Sindy: Are you dating anyone? What kind of qualities do you look for in a guy?
Bethany: Not dating. I don't believe the [kwlink 4163]human heart[/kwlink] was made to be put through the abuse of the dating world. I believe very strongly that there is one person created for everyone who is meant to be married. If you have the faith to just wait for your other half and let God fulfill that place of romantic longing in your hearts until your mate is brought to you, you won't have to settle (like everyone does, it seems, these days) and you'll have a [kwlink 472]whole heart[/kwlink] to give your lover.

Sindy: Do you have any advice for kids trying to break into either the acting or the music industry?
Bethany: Don't do it if you want to get famous, cuz, I promise you - you'll either end up broke and lonely, or you'll end up famous and lonely. Do it because you want to make a difference in the world and you feel you can do that best through an artistic medium.

  • Click Here to read page one of Bethany's interview. Find out what Bethany enjoys doing more - acting or singing.
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