So ya love skateboarding, but still haven't mastered the ollie? Having problems landing your kickflip? Why not and he'll get an answer for you.
Hey Simon,
I was 50-50ing across my rail when my board slipped out from behind me. I fell down and snapped my arm. I broke two bones in my arm and messed up my wrist. It really blows cuz now I can't skate for six weeks. What should I do?
Hey skateguything,
Sorry to hear about your painful confrontation with the pavement. The first thing you need to do is go buy some wrist and elbow pads, so your next wipeout isn't so painful. Then go out and rent or buy Tony Hawk's Underground 2 and a bunch of skateboard videos. Playing skateboard games and watching skater videos isn't the same as riding your skateboard but it'll help feed your skater fix while your arm recovers.
In the meantime, milk your injury for all its worth. Ask girls to sign your cast and tell them how you, "snapped your arm while riding a twenty-foot rail." Some girls may even offer to help you carry your books to class or nuture you back to health with some homemade cookies and milk or something. Lots of chicks go crazy for that kinda stuff. This is also a good time to hit your parents up for a new pair of Vans or some other cool skate gear you've been asking for. The 'rents may feel sorry for you and want to cheer you up when they see you moping around the house with a broken arm.
Do you need some cool skateboarding tips?, to Simon. He might not no everything, but he's been skating for a while and certainly knows more than your Mom does. Remember: never push mongo, and always wear a helmet.
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