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Survivor Episode 8

Dec 27, 2006

Elisabeth is determined to find a weakness, any weakness, in the Ogakor tribe. It doesn't take much to find out that everyone hates Jerri. It's no big surprise though cuz Jerri's "sparkling personality" sets everyone on edge. She glares at them while they're cooking her dinner, complains about the food after it's cooked and makes everyone feel like someone's peering over their shoulder.

The plotting is interrupted by the first challenge - a boomerang toss for a full meal - there's even dessert! Alicia gets a good throw, Colby almost creams Keith, Rodger almost creams himself! Jerri beats Amber by mere inches and wins the meal. Allowed to invite one fellow tribe member she brings Amber along to feast.

Back at the camp everybody feels like THEY won the challenge because they get a meal without Jerri . They huddle around the fire, eat spaghetti, and enjoy a good ol' Jerri-Slam-A-Thon. Everybody admits how much of a pain she is. Keith runs around, waving his arms and shouting, even Colby is fed up with the curly-haired diva. It looks like she's in trouble at the Tribal Council...

Jerri and Amber come back with a plan to oust Alicia. Little do they realize that their own tribe is against them - even though kicking her off will cost Ogakor their 5-4 lead against Kucha it looks like a million bucks isn't enough to put up with Jerri any longer. Even Colby's lying to her now.

"I didn't like the fact that I had to lie. But because I was lying to Jerri I didn't lose any sleep over it." said Colby.

The Immunity Challenge is a puzzle challenge. A grid of posts is setup in the sand and the survivors take turns connecting the posts with rope. When they complete a square they score a point and get another turn. A slow start builds to a tense finish as Keith wins immunity again.

Tribal Council has another thunderstorm and a big surprise. Ogakor sticks with their plan and votes Alicia off. It looks like a million bucks is enough to put up with Jerri after all... For now.

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