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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Cheats: The Triforce Map (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

Kidzworld member Lumperback asked for 'em so here they are. Video game cheats for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Gamecube game. The new Legend of Zelda game is coming out soon and looking awesome. But, while we're waiting, there are still plenty of game cheats for The Legend of Zelda and other games. These cheats are from Cheat Street and they're a walkthrough on getting the Triforce Maps and understanding them.

Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Collecting the Triforce Map

The Triforce Map is split into eight pieces, here are walkthroughs and tips on how to get pieces five through eight.
  • Triforce Map Piece #5
  • Where It Is
    What You Need
    Needle Peak Island
    Bombs, Grappling Hook
    Bomb the heck out of the golden cannon ship near the island. Search the wreck for a treasure map. Follow the treasure map to another treasure map that leads to another treasure map that leads to another treasure map... Eventually you'll come to Map Piece #5.

  • Triforce Map Piece #6
  • Where It Is
    What You Need
    Pororo Island
    Baton of Wind, Deku Leaf, Power Bracelets
    Get ready for a monsters dungeon by loading up on healing items and supplies! Now, head to where you rescued Tetra the first time - the bridge there will be broken but there's a guy looking through a telescope and making funny noises. Check it out and you'll see a huge face-rock. Hop up onto a ledge, change the wind so it's going towards the rock and float over with your Deku Leaf. Pick the rock up and there's a 30-floor dungeon under it. Battle your way all the way to the bottom to get to a Wind Mark. Play the Song of Wind and you'll get Map Piece #6!

  • Triforce Map Piece #7
  • Where It Is
    What You Need
    Giant Face-Rock Island
    Baton of the Wind, Power Bracelets
    Monster smash time! Lift up the rock to find a dungeon with a bunch of monsters in it. Smash 'em all and a door will open to the Wind Mark. Stand on it, play the Song of Wind and you
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