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Becoming a Camp Counselor

Dec 27, 2006

Camping is an experience that everyone should have cuz there's nothing better than going away to a camp filled with cool kids and fun activities! So wouldn't a camp be one of the best places to work during your summer vacation? Find out how to become a camp counselor!

Camp Counselors - Helping Kids Have Fun

Summer camps last anywhere from a few days to eight weeks. During that time, counselors supervise the campers 24/7 and plan fun-filled recreational activities for them, like arts and crafts, canoeing, hiking and campfire games. This is a great way to prepare for any type of career cuz you'll improve your people skills and problem-solving abilities. With more than 12,000 summer camps in the US, it shouldn't be too hard to find a job as a camp counselor. Just check job boards and the Web for camp job listings. If you're not old enough to be a camp counselor, you can try spending the summer as a counselor-in-training to learn all about camp life, counseling kids and dealing with problems. But the downside is that you won't get paid - you might even have to pay to attend camp!

Camp Counselors - Skills Checklist

Almost anyone can become a camp counselor, but if you're a loner who doesn't like being around people, then maybe this isn't the job for ya. Run down this checklist to see if you have what it takes to be the coolest counselor around!

  • Lots of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Creativity.
  • Experience with kids (babysitting is a great way to gain experience cuz babysitters and camp counselors are kinda similar - they plan activities for kids and watch over them to make sure they stay safe).
  • Knowledge of first aid skills.
  • Camping and/or aquatic experience.
  • A love for outdoor life - this is an absolute must, cuz have you ever heard of camping at a five-star hotel?

Camp Counselors - The Best Camp for You

Look for camps that interest you and will use your strengths. Apply to a basketball camp if you like shooting hoops, a spirit camp if you're a cheerleader, or a music camp if you're an accomplished musician. And for those of you who can't bear to be away from home for even a day, check out a local day camp. Whichever type of camp you apply to, you'll gain valuable experience to add to your resume.

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