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Sindy's Blog - March 23, 2006

Dec 27, 2006

March 23, 2006

Wow. I cannot believe Simon got caught cheating! I know he complains a lot about school and having to do his homework but not in a million years did I expect him to cheat. That is so huge.

Cheating is totally something that can follow you all the way through school! Teachers for years will know that he's the kid who forged his Midsummer Night's Dream essay and they'll always be suspicious of him. Well, I hope for his sake the situation will be forgotten and that he'll be able to redeem himself but it looks like he's going to have to suffer through a pretty stiff punishment for the time being.

I can't say I've never been tempted to cheat before. I mean, sometimes you just get so swamped with work you never think you're going to be able to finish it all. And there are all these different ways that you could cheat if you really wanted to. But I am always way too chicken. I would never want to get caught. It would be so embarrassing - and my mom would probably lock me in my room for at least a year straight. So not worth it!

I emailed Simon the other day and told him if he needed to talk that I was here. I wish he'd have told me he was having trouble with his school work - I could have helped him with it. I mean, hello, I am like a Shakespeare expert here! Doesn't he remember all the time I spent on the set of Romeo and Juliet? Or all the reading I do in my spare time? I just hope he feels comfortable asking me for help next time he feels that cheating is his only option!

What do you think about Simon's cheating? Think it's no big deal or are you as appalled as I am?

Peace Out,


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