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Snap TV 2006 FIFA World Cup Game

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Test your knowledge of the FIFA World Cup with Snap TVs 2006 FIFA World Cup DVD soccer trivia game. Check out reviews of kids toys, games, gadgets, electronics and more.

Are you a soccer fanatic? Think you know everything about the FIFA World Cup? Take the challenge with Snap TV's official FIFA World Cup DVD game! All you need is a DVD player and your ready for some sweet soccer action. Using your DVD remote, you select your country and guide them to victory through a virtual FIFA World Cup tournament. Players answer video and picture questions correctly to pass, tackle, defend and score on the game's 3D virtual field. You can also make substitutions and play red and yellow cards as part of your winning strategy. The Snap TV FIFA World Cup DVD game features thousands of World Cup trivia questions featuring video clips and pictures, so no game will ever be the same. The game is easy to play and is the perfect way to celebrate the 2006 World Cup.

Snap TV FIFA World Cup DVD Game - Thumbs Up

  • Game is easy to play - all you need is a DVD player.
  • Game features thousands of video and picture clips from previous World Cup games.
  • Three different game types.
  • Features single or multi-player games.
  • Snap TV FIFA World Cup DVD Game - Thumbs Down

  • Only 10 World Cup teams to choose from.
  • Players without much soccer knowledge will take a beating.
  • Snap TV FIFA World Cup DVD Game Rating: 4
    Age: 9 and up.
    Price Range: 2

  • Click Here to buy the FIFA World Cup DVD Game.
  • Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 = 1
    $16-$30 = 2
    $31-$45 = 3
    $46-$60 = 4
    $60+ = 5

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