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Wherify GPS Locator Phone

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Stay in touch with your family at any time with the easy-to-use Wherifone GPS Locator phone. Check out review of toys, games and gadgets for kids and teens. - Page 2

A great way to keep in touch with your family or an annoying way for your parents to keep track of you? That's the question with the easy-to-use Wherifone GPS Locator phone. This gadget features a cell phone with three speed dials and 20 programmable numbers as well as a GPS locator so parents can track the location of the user from any computer. The Wherifone also features a dedicated emergency number that instantly connects to 911. This is a good "first cell phone" for younger kids as they can instantly and easily get in touch with their mom, dad or other family member, while parents can control who kids can make outgoing calls to. Parents will like the fact that the Wherifone allows them to figure out where their kids are using the GPS locator on the phone, while kids may get a bit a freaked out that their parents will know if they went to the mall after school instead of going straight home to feed the dog. For younger kids, this is a good gadget because it's simple to use and they can't rack up monsterous phone bills with it. Older kids, however, won't like the fact that it doesn't have cool features like text messaging or ring tones.

Wherifone GPS Locator Phone - Thumbs Up

  • Easy to use - great "first phone" for younger kids.
  • GPS locator means family can find you in case of an emergency.
  • Fixed rate plan - so your parents won't get any crazy phone bills.
  • Numbers can be pre-set for one-touch dialing.
  • Comes in five cool colors.
  • Wherifone GPS Locator Phone - Thumbs Down

  • GPS system means your parents know where you are ALL the time - that's a bit freaky.
  • Pretty basic features. No text messages, no camera, no cool ringtones.
  • Wherifone GPS Locator Phone Rating: 3
    Age: 6 to 12.
    Price Range: 5

  • For more info on the Wherifone, head to wherifywireless.com
  • Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 = 1
    $16-$30 = 2
    $31-$45 = 3
    $46-$60 = 4
    $60+ = 5

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