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Teen Horoscopes - November 2006

Dec 27, 2006

Kidzworld knows that sometimes it's good to have the heads-up on what's gonna go down in your world. So here's the 411 - according to our astrology chick, Lunar Frost. Check it out and see if your zodiac sign says that the light at the end of the tunnel is something awesome or an oncoming train...



March 21 - April 20
You hit a rough patch with a friend or BF/GF this month. Don't keep your feelings bottled up inside. Let it all out - vent, scream, cry, yell - and you'll feel a lot better!



April 21 - May 20
Stuck in a rut, Taurus? Do something completely unexpected of yourself, like getting a short, funky haircut or taking hip-hop dance lessons to break free from your conservative personality.



May 21 - June 21
You'll get shy when a guy/girl you dig starts a conversation with you. It's natural to feel shy around your crush, but it's not so cool to play hard-to-get cuz they might give up after awhile!



June 22 - July 22
Don't be bummed that Halloween's over. A holiday-lovin' kid like yourself can get an early start on your Christmas list by making all of your presents. How about a knitted scarf for mom, or a batch of cookies for granny? Test out a few recipes this month cuz practice makes perfect!



July 23 - August 22
Take it easy, Leo! You're burning yourself out with too much schoolwork and too much fun with friends. While that last one is great, you still need to take care of your body to keep on having fun - so rest up!



August 23 - September 22
You've overindulged in too many Halloween treats, so vow to be more active this month! Walk home instead of riding the school bus, take the stairs instead of the elevator at the mall and go for a bike ride instead of playing Xbox 360 all weekend.

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