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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Gamecube, PS2 & Xbox Review

Dec 27, 2006

Aang isn't just the world's oldest 10 year-old, he's the last of the Airbenders and the Avatar with the duty to master all the elements and restore balance to the world! Avatar: the Last Airbender is a hit animated cartoon, awesome card game, and now it's an action-packed video game for Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox and Wii. Here's our video game review.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Video Game Bending Battle Basics!

Join Aang in the battle against Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation with Sokka, Katara and Haru! You can control the character of your choice, use their bending power to unleash cool battle moves (or non-bending moves for Sokka) and power them up with items.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Wicked Bending Powers

The best part of this game is how cool the Avatar story is and being able to be the hero(s) in an adventure is great. You also get different moves for each character and you can swap characters with the tap of a button. Customizing their moves and powering-up with items is nice. There are enemies to clobber, and you get to hang out with Appa, Momo and other characters from the TV show.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Game Flaws

Aang can't fly! At all. He can't even jump! Lame. Combat also gets a bit repetitive cuz there are only so many moves each character can use � more moves would have helped. More videos and voices from the cartoon would also have been cool.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Last Word

If you dig the Avatar cartoon, you'll get a kick out of this game. If you aren't a fan, then it's a decent action game with lots of characters, a great story and a few flaws that keep it from being awesome.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Thumbs Up:

  • Play as Aang, Katara, Sokka and Haru.
  • Swap characters easily.
  • Lots of power-up items to find or buy.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Thumbs Down:

  • Aang can't fly, he can't even jump!
  • No multiplayer.

Avatar: the Last Airbender Game Rating:

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