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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Scooby Gang: Part 1

Dec 27, 2006

Buffy is the chosen one. Luckily she's chosen some really cool and funny friends for herself. Willow, Tara, Anya and Xander - lovingly referred to as "The Scooby Gang." Time for a closer look at these crazy characters...


Every show needs a funny man. Even the most serious situation needs a little humor in it. Let's face it, Xander Harris (played by Nicholas Brendon) is the "Shaggy" in Buffy's Scooby Gang.

Xander has always been the funny guy. In the beginning, he didn't really believe in Buffy's slayerness but that changed after his best bud Jesse was kidnapped and turned into a vamp. He's been a believer ever since and a real help to Buffy. Xander used to be in in love with Buffy, but that has since turned brotherly. But his dislike of all things Angel is pretty much intact. It started because he was kinda jealous of Buffy's attraction to the vamp. But since then, Angel has given Xander more than a few reasons to dislike him - like turning into Angelus, beating up Xander while pretending to be Angelus and drinking blood from Buffy to save his own skin.

Xander wasn't a fan of Cordelia's either - but that changed quickly. The two had a hot-and-heavy romance happenin' for a while but a near-death experience caused Willow and Xander to kiss and Cordy caught them. Now he's dating Anya, who used to be a demon. Only Xander could put up with Anya's absurdness. Did you know in the episode titled The Replacements (2000-2001 season) Xander's double is actually played by his real-life twin brother Kelly Donovan?

Xander Quotes

  • "We're in the crime club. Which is kind of like the chess club, only with crime, and no chess."
  • "What kind of a girly name is 'Angel' anyway?"
  • "Those who can, do. Those who can't, laugh at those who can do."


    If we're going by the original "Scooby Gang" characters - Willow is definately Velma. She's a brain. She's also painfully shy, socially unsure of herself and the best, best friend Buffy could ever ask for.

    Originally, Buffy was pals with Cordelia. But it wasn't long until all that slaying stuff made Cordy decide she didn't like Buffy much. Willow Rosenberg (played by Alyson Hannigan) decided to stick it out and became Buffy's best friend. The reason was not because Willow was fearless - more likely because she was friendless. But the longer Willow has hung out with Buffy, the more cool and confident she's become. Willow has a really quick brain and her abilities with computers have come in handy when fighting evil. Willow's interest in witchcraft intensified when her fave teach (and Gypsy) Jenny Calendar died. Willow was the one who turned Angelus back into Angel.

    Although she had a secret (well, maybe not too secret) crush on Xander for the longest time, her first boyfriend was Oz. It was a great romance - even the fact that Oz was a werewolf didn't break them up - now that's true love! What did do damage though, was Oz and Cordelia catching Xander and Willow making out. In season four Willow started a serious romance with Tara.

    Willow Quotes

  • "Well, when I'm with a boy I like, it's hard for me to say anything cool, or, or witty, or at all. I-I can usually make a few vowel sounds, and then I have to go away."
  • "So Angel is a good vampire! I mean, on a scale of one to ten, ten being someone who's killing and maiming every night, and one being someone who's not."
  • "I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?"

    Keep checkin' back for another profile of Tara and Anya - the most recent additions to The Scooby Gang.

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