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Sindy's Blog - March 1, 2007

Feb 27, 2007

March 1, 2007

With two months of the year already gone, I thought it was a good time to take a look at my goals for the year and see how I'm doing. Turns out, I haven't even made a dent in my list! For those of you who don't remember what I'm aiming to accomplish, check out my list right here.

To make sure that I meet as many of my 2007 goals as possible, I've signed up for guitar lessons, which start this weekend. I'm kind of nervous because I've never really played in front of anyone before. I taught myself how to play and have just always practiced alone in my bedroom. It'll be cool to learn how to do things properly though and get some feedback on how I can improve. Who knows? Maybe next year's goals will include starting my own band!

I've been doing alright with my "be nicer to my sister" goal. I held that Valentine's Day movie party and I even let her pick one of the movies. That's pretty generous of me considering she usually picks the lamest movies ever. I'm also planning on taking her bowling next week with a few of her friends. I just need to keep on this path of selflessness.

I haven't gone surfing yet this year, but it's been a bit too cold. Come April or May I will be out there all the time... hopefully. I should really save up and buy my own board instead of renting all the time. I guess I have to decide what I want more though - a cell phone or a surf board. My mom said that if she lets me get a cell phone I have to pay all the bills myself. The only problem is I don't exactly have a job and I would rather spend time working on drama productions than serving burgers and fries.

? Should I get a job or forget the cell phone and just save up for one [KWLINK ]this summer[/KWLINK]?

Peace Out,

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