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Teen Horoscopes - June 2007 (pg. 2)

May 30, 2007



September 23 - October 23
Things start off slow, but by mid-June, you'll be picking up speed. If your schedule gets jam packed, make a to-do list to help you stay on track.



October 24 - November 22
Lay low this month cuz boy/girl issues could get intense! As long as you remain patient, you'll be able to talk things out without escalating the situation.



November 23 - December 21
After a year of tough classes and more after-school activities than you can remember, don't think for a minute that you'll be bored this summer! There's family vacations, summer camps, great books to read, beach parties to check out... want us to go on?



December 22 - January 20
Brush away the old and make room for the new. Whether that's referring to the junk lying under your bed or friends who seem more like enemies, decide what or who needs to go.



January 21 - February 19
Your busy social calendar doesn't leave much room to hang with the fam. So make time to spend QT with them, especially since Father's Day rolls around this month.



February 20 - March 20
Excited to do something new? Start with a whole new 'do and wardrobe that's fresh and fun for the summer season!

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