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Getting Your First Period

Dec 27, 2006

The thought of getting your first period can be pretty scary - and it gets even more overwhelming when it actually happens. But, the good thing is that every girl has to go through it at some point and the process can be made a lot less frightening if you know how to prepare for it. Check out these helpful tips and tricks on dealing with THAT time of the month!

A Girl's First Period: Hurry Up Already!

It can be frustrating when it seems like you're the last one of your friends to get your period. The thing is, everybody's bodies develop at their own pace and it's highly unlikely that you and your best bud will start your periods at the exact same time. Things to look for that mean your period is on its way are underarm and pubic hair, breast growth and white, vaginal discharge. The average girl will get her first period around 12 years old, but this definitely varies from person to person. If you're ever concerned about your body's development, check in with your family doctor to see what they think!

A Girl's First Period: The Dreaded Day

While we never know exactly when our first period is going to come, we can make the experience a little less dramatic by making sure we are prepared. This means talking to your mom or other trusted adult about what you can expect before it actually happens. You should start carrying pads around with you in advance to getting your period so that when it finally arrives, you aren't scrambling to find some. If you find yourself stuck at school without a pad or tampon, go talk to your school nurse or counselor. They will be more than willing to help you out!

A Girl's First Period: A Regular Visit

When your first period finally arrives, don't be too worried if it doesn't stick around for long. It can sometimes take your body a few months or even a few years to get into a regular pattern. Periods usually come every 28 to 30 days and last for three to seven days. But, if it doesn't follow that schedule right away, it's not the end of the world. You may want to discuss abnormalities with your family doctor though, just to make sure your body is 100% healthy.

A Girl's First Period: Embarrassing Mishaps

Part of becoming a woman is dealing with all the embarrassing period mishaps. If at any point while at school your period leaks through your clothing, excuse yourself to the office and get them to call the 'rents to bring you something to change into. Keeping some spare pants and underwear in your locker is always a good idea (even if it's just your gym strip). Avoid wearing white or light-colored pants and underwear during the week of your period to cut down on the chance of visible leakage as well.

A Girl's First Period: Basic Supplies

While getting your first period is an exciting event, it unfortunately can come with some uncomfortable side-effects. Take a look at what you'll need to battle these symptoms head on:

  • An adequate supply of pads and/or tampons.
  • A change of clothes kept in your locker at school.
  • Tylenol or Advil.
  • A hot water bottle.
  • Lots of chocolate!

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