D.C. United soccer player Devon McTavish recently sat down with Kidzworld for an exclusive interview. Devon talked about life in the MLS, the arrival of David Beckham and the SeeMore's Playhouse Safety Tour. For the tour, teams and players in the MLS promote the importance of sun safety. Read on for the 411 from Devon!
Simon: Why is the SeeMore's Playhouse Safety Tour important for kids?
Devon McTavish: The Summer Safety Tour is important because it lets kids know that it's important to think about safety all the time.
Simon: What are some quick summer safety tips you follow?
Devon McTavish: Always wear sunscreen - at least 30 SPF - and sunglasses to protect your eyes.
Simon: How did you get involved in soccer?
Devon McTavish: My older brother played and, naturally, I wanted to be like him and do everything he did.
Simon: How happy were you to get drafted by a team that was basically just up the street?
Devon McTavish: I was ecstatic! I couldn't have asked for a better situation.
Simon: What was your rookie year like?
Devon McTavish: It was a learning experience, but it was also a blast.
Simon: What was the toughest transition from college to the pros?
Devon McTavish: The players in MLS are a lot more athletic and the season is a lot longer, so it took some time to get used to those differences.
Simon: How do you think the season is going so far?
Devon McTavish: We've had our ups and downs, but we're doing well right now. We think we have the potential to be playing our home stadium [RFK Stadium] for MLS Cup.
Simon: Where is your favorite MLS place to visit and why?
Devon McTavish: Kansas City, because I have a lot of family there and Colorado, because Denver is a great city and home to some of my really good friends.
Simon: What do you make of the whole David Beckham mania?
Devon McTavish: It's exciting. It's bringing a lot of exposure to the League, which is great.
Simon: Are your friends already trying to score tickets from you for the Beckham home game?
Devon McTavish: Absolutely! Suddenly, I have a lot more friends than I ever knew about.
Simon: What is a typical day off like for you?
Devon McTavish: I usually like to relax, kick my legs up and maybe lay by the pool.
Simon: What is your favorite league besides MLS?
Devon McTavish: I love watching the English Premier League.
Simon: Who is your favorite all time soccer player?
Devon McTavish: Germany's Jurgen Klinsmann.
Simon: What advice do you have to young players trying to pursue soccer as a career?
Devon McTavish: To challenge yourself every day to get better.
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