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Remote Control Mosquito and Dragonfly Toy Reviews

Reviewed by on Sep 04, 2007
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Get the scoop on the coolest remote control bugs with our reviews of the Micro Mosquito and Flytech Dragonfly!

Remote control toys are a blast, especially if they're flying toys. But, when you get remote control flying bugs, it's a fun-plosion! The trick is to find the ones that don't deserve a face-full of bugspray and a one-way trip to the trash can (along with a few weeks of allowance - ick!) We took a pair of the coolest RC bugs we could find, the Flytech Dragonfly and Micro Mosquito Helicopter, and tested 'em out. Here's how they rate.

Indoor Micro Mosquito RC Helicopter

This black mini-helicopter looks fantastic and has glowing green eyes that are super-creepy in the dark. It also lifts off from its launch-pad/charger like something from a spy movie. Unfortunately all it's good for is going up and down! It's hard to steer, really slow and can't handle any breeze - a stray fart can send it crashing into your LEGO bin. The good news is, with lots of practice you can kinda control it, and it looks so cool it's almost worth it.
Rating: 3
Age: 10+
Price Range: 5

Wowwee FlyTech RC DragonFly

The weird-looking FlyTech RC DragonFly actually flaps its wings to fly! It makes the big remote control critter a bit clumsy, so you won't be flying this one indoors. It is easier to fly than the Mosquito though, and looks cool once you get it going. It also comes with spare wings and a beginner mode, which is good because you'll crash a lot before you get the hang of the controls. And, unlike the Micro Mosquito, the DragonFly can be flown outdoors as long as the wind is fairly calm.
Rating: 4
Age: 9+
Price Range: 4

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 = 1
$16-$30 = 2
$31-$45 = 3
$46-$60 = 4
$60+ = 5

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