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Digitz: The Multiplication Machine Review

Reviewed by on Sep 05, 2007
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews Digitz: The Multiplication Machine.

Quick - what's 5 x 7? After a long and restful summer vacation, you may need a back-to-school game to help you get back to mathematical basics. Digitz: The Multiplication Machine is an educational game that helps you master your multiplication tables and grasp fundamental math principles. Multiplication problems show up on an LCD screen and you press the big, colorful buttons to enter your answer. Add flashing lights and sound effects and you've got a fun brain game that boosts your gray matter! Play five different games that teach you multiplication skills like multiples, factors and sequences. But, you don't have all the time in the world - you've gotta race the clock to answer the questions! Digitz: The Multiplication Machine also includes a headphone jack for quiet play.

Digitz: The Multiplication Machine - Thumbs Up

  • It's educational - playing Digitz will help boost your math grade!
  • Five different multiplication games.
  • It's portable - play at home, school, your friend's house or in the car.
  • Flashing lights and sound effects make game playing more fun.

Digitz: The Multiplication Machine - Thumbs Down

  • Has a headphone jack - but no headphones. You'll have to buy 'em separately.
  • Requires three C batteries that aren't included.

For more info on Digitz: The Multiplication Machine, click here!

Digitz: The Multiplication Machine Rating: 4
Age: 8 and up.
Price Range: 4

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 = 1
$16-$30 = 2
$31-$45 = 3
$46-$60 = 4
$60+ = 5

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