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Simon's Blog :: December 4, 2007

Reviewed by on Dec 04, 2007
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Simon blogs about Christmas and being threatened by his crushs boyfriend in his free teen online journal.

December 4, 2007

I love this time of year. The snowboarding season has kicked off, Christmas break is almost here, and my mom keeps asking me what gifts I want. Is there a more perfect season?

You wanna know what's not perfect, though? Emily's boyfriend showing up at my house to tell me to stay away from her. It turns out that she's been talking about me all the time and he suspects that we're more than friends. Sure, I was scarred he was going to kick my butt, but afterwards, when I calmed down, I was also pretty stoked that she's been talking about me!

The question is: what do I do now? Do I save myself a beating and back off, or do I go for her and risk getting taken out by Captain Angry-Boyfriend? I'm not trying to break them up or anything. I'm just sort of waiting in the wings until they do. Is that wrong?

Other than that, I've just been compiling my enormous 2007 Wish List so that all of my relatives will buy me what I want rather than, you know, a hula-hoop or whatever they think kids play with these days. Did I mention I have a lot of old people in my family? What are you hoping to get for Christmas? and let me know.


1For the relationship between those 2 people, its like totally cool. My friend was going out with this one guy I really liked and I waited until they finally broke up and I got him. Thats so sweet that your going to get a ton of stuff for Christmas!!! I'm going to England 3 days after Christmas so I cant take any presents with me. It really stinks.
Username: Sam as in the girl sam

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