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Simon Says Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Check out the Kidzworld book review of Elaine Marie Alphins Simon Says. Its the story about a young artist trying to find the courage to be who he is, not who everyone else wants him to be. - Page 2

Author: Elaine Marie Alphin

Simon Says is a story about a young artist named Charles with an incredible gift for painting. Charles paints what he sees and he has a knack for seeing what's really inside people. But people don't always want to see the truth and they get angry with Charles for showing it to them. So Charles keeps it to himself and hides his paintings. He plays the game of "Simon Says" by painting what people want to see and acting the way people want him to act. That way they'll leave him alone to paint what he wants.

In Simon Says, Charles goes to art school to find another artist who he believes has found the courage to be himself, something Charles desperately needs. Of course, things aren't what they seem. Charles ends up getting involved in a series of strange friendships with his gay roommate, the art school's star pupil and others. Does he ever find the courage to forget what people think and be himself? You gotta read it to find out!

Simon Says is an excellent story that shows you what it feels like to be afraid of being yourself. It shows you how important it is to not let your fear of being different, keep you from being who you are.

If you've ever felt like you're holding back so you don't freak people out, Simon Says is the book for you. It's a great read with a terrific message.

Simon Says Rating: 5

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