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Men in Black II Movie Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworlds review of MIB II! Men in Black II was released in July 2002 and stars Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Lara Flynn Boyle.

The Men in Black are back. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones wear their trademark black suits and shades this summer and get ready to kick some extra-terrestrial butt. Much like the first Men in Black movie that came out in 1997, Men in Black II is packed full of jaw-dropping special effects and will have you laughing out loud at the theater.

The movie starts out with Will Smith (MIB Agent Jay) and his new partner, tracking the whereabouts of a gigantic alien worm named Jeff, who's living in the subway tunnels of New York. Agent Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) has retired and now works as a post master in a rural town. He has no memory of ever being an MIB agent but is the only agent that can save the day when the alien Serleena comes back to Earth after 25 years. Serleena is played by The Practice star, Lara Flynn Boyle. You probably know Lara as the chick who dated Jack Nicholson and is always being joked about in the tabloids for being so skinny.

One of the coolest parts of the movie is when Will Smith heads to the post office to bring Tommy Lee Jones back to be an MIB agent. They are standing in the mail sorting room and there are about five postmen hanging around. Will Smith breaks out with some beatbox-sounding vocals and it looks like he's trying to communicate with one of the postmen in the room. A postman then turns slowly around from what he was doing and answers back with some of the same beatbox sounds, revealing himself as an alien. This is enough to have Tommy Lee Jones' character rushing back to MIB headquarters with Agent Jay.

Men in Black II has its funny moments, like when Michael Jackson makes a cameo appearance as a potential alien (cuz he looks so darn creepy!) and that talking dog Frank will have you chuckling to yourself too. Unfortunately, the sequel doesn't quite live up to the original. Men in Black II leaves you wanting just a bit more plot and a tad less product placement. I mean, does there really need to be a painfully slow shot of a Sprint telephone store and a Burger King? Since when do aliens crave cell phones and flame-broiled Whoppers?

So if you're just lookin' for a fun, light-hearted flick to check out this summer or if you're a big fan of Will Smith, then definitely head to see Men in Black II. If you're looking for a movie with a bit more meat, then maybe skip Men in Black II and spend your cash on fast food and cell phones instead.

Rating: 3

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