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Pledge of Allegiance Feedback - Page 4

Jan 14, 2019

Last week we wrote about the court case that was filed in California about the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tons of Kidzworld members sent us their thoughts on this controversial case. Take a look at what Kidzworld peeps have to say:

"Under God" was only put in the Pledge because of the Cold War. The Knights of Columbus appealed to the Supreme Court to put in the words "under God" to "distinguish the US from 'Godless' Communist countries," such as the Soviet Union and Cuba. By 1954 (when it was put in), half of the world was under Communist rule. I pity the children who refuse to say the Pledge because of political/religious reasons, for they are questioned and criticized like the KGB for being "un-American." Before the words were inserted, no one felt like it was missing anything. I say that guy should have waited to take his claim to court, because a lot of people want to see him dead. We need to remain neutral on religion or we'll turn out like Afghanistan, Iran, or the former Soviet Union.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname 1984fan
Age: 15

I think they should change the Pledge, because it is against many peoples beliefs. There is supposed to be a seperation of Religion and State. As Americans, we have the right to say the Pledge if we want to. I feel that if you are making the students stand up and say "under God," you are lessening the value of their beliefs, and are throwing the Constitution out the window! What happened to "Land of the Free" and when did we become "Land of the Conceited"? We complain about everything, and I believe if we argue about the Pledge, the nation needs help.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname AvRiLsK8ErDuDe
Age: 14

I think that the parents that don't want their kids saying the Pledge of Allegiance should write a letter to the school so the kids can stand outside the door! But if u ask my opinion, I don't think it is unconstitutional! If it wasn't for God, none of us would be here! I think the Pledge of Allegiance should stay the way it is! Just because a couple of people think it is unconstitutional it's a big uproar! And it's not fair that they never ask kids what we think and we're the ones that have to say it every morning! I thought kids were supposed to be people to! Duh!

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname flirtacious_770
Age: 15

It should stay there. It reminds me of the past in America.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname Mikedollar
Age: 15

I think that it's so stupid for someone to make a big deal out of two words. The reason it was in the Pledge is because back in the 1700's in England and America, they beleived in God. This was all before immigration. So when we won the war, EVERYONE in the U.S. besides Indians beleived in God. Now that we have all of these immigrants in the U.S. with their own beliefs, they think that it is wrong for people with different beliefs to say "under God."

Kidz Submit By:

Age: 14






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