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The Wonderful World of Wicca

Jan 04, 2019

When you think of Wicca, you may picture witches with warts turning people into toads. We're here to dispell those myths - find out what this magical religion is actually about.

Wicca - How it Began

Thousands of years ago the dominant religion in Europe was Paganism. There was no one particular God that Pagans believed in, but instead they felt that all of nature was spiritual and that there were many gods and goddesses represented by nature itself. They observed the phases of the moon, the Summer/Winter Solstices and the Spring/Fall Equinoxes.

With the rise of Christianity, Paganism was driven underground because the beliefs of this new religion (Christianity) were very different from Paganism. This led to the burning of many Pagans in a time that came to be known as the Burning Times. For hundreds of years, Paganism remained an underground religion, almost lost completely. However, around 1940 a British man, named Gerald Gardner, rejuvenated and modernized Paganism and presented it into the form we know today, Wicca.

Wicca - Practicing Today

Just like their Pagan counterparts, Wiccans (the modern name for a witch) believe in the spirituality of nature. Wicca has become alluring for modern day women because its practices are deeply rooted in the belief that there must be a balance in the male/female roles in life. Therefore, they worship both gods and goddesses, not just a singular male God. However, Earth, which plays an important role in the Wiccan religion, is often referred to as Mother Earth.

Following the Wiccan faith does not mean that you sacrifice animals or practice dark magic. Many Wiccans today, especially young Wiccans, have taken a greater interest in the environment and actively protect what they believe is sacred. Learning more about the significance of herbs and essential oils, the power of crystals and all things natural, are all part of the modern Wiccan movement.

Wicca - The Hollywood Story

Today there are a ton of cool shows and movies that explore the world of Wicca. And the great thing about these shows is that they have helped to redefine the image of the witch.

For instance, Sabrina the Teenage Witch can cast some pretty cool spells, without donning a pointy hat. The three sisters on Charmed, fight evil with their white magic, without a wart among them. And how could you ever forget the duo of powerful, stylish witches from Buffy, Willow and Tara. Of course, unlike on TV, just because you choose to practice Wicca, doesn't mean you'll be able to turn that annoying boy down the road into a toad.

I read your article on Wicca and it really interested me. I have one question though: Can be you be another religion and still be a Wiccan or do you have to be strictly a Wiccan?

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