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Quiz the Coach

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Fitness and sports advice for kids. Tips on heading a soccer ball. Advice for girls wearing a sports bra. Health and fitness tips for kids.

1Hey Coach,
I just started playing soccer this year. I really like soccer but I'm too scared to head the ball. I'm afraid it'll hurt my head, so I just move out of the way. Then my coach and the other guys on my team yell at me. Any tips?

Hey Z-Pow,
Don't be such a wus. It's a soccer ball, not a brick. If you're scared of the soccer ball, maybe you should take dance lessons or play checkers with that old bag up the street from you. If you'd like to end your soccer ball phobia and avoid being ridiculed, there is hope for you. Be ready when the ball comes towards you and brace yourself just before heading it. Make sure you keep your eyes on the ball and lunge towards it - hitting it with your forehead. Don't let the ball hit you - hit it first. It hurts when you don't hit the ball properly get nailed on the top of your head. If you practice heading, and learn to do it properly, you'll realize that the ball doesn't hurt. Practice heading the ball with a partner or against a wall. Once you develop the skill, you'll become more comfortable heading the ball during practice and it will become an important part of your game.

1Hey Coach,
Whenever I play basketball or soccer my boobs always feel really sore after the game. I love playing sports but the pain in my boobs is really bad sometimes. What should I do?

Hey ballgirl2001,
Your breasts hurt because they're banging around the whole game. Whenever you run or jump, your breasts move around. This makes your boobs sore - especially when you're going through puberty and your breasts are developing. You need extra support. Try wearing a sports bra instead of your regular bra. A sports bra will keep your breasts tight to your chest so they don't move around as much. Wearing a sports bra will make it easier for you to play sports. Just ask your 'rents to take you to the store and be sure to try on the bra and make sure they don't hurt or pinch.

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