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The Mummy Chronicles :: The Scorpion King Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

The Mummy Returns Junior Novel was a great book by John Whitman. Unfortunately, Whitman does not write The Mummy Chronicles - The Scorpion King.

Author: Dave Wolverton

Don't ya just hate it when your taste buds are in a root beer state, but all that's in the fridge is some sport drink that turns your sweat a toxic color? That's how I feel about The Mummy Chronicles. If you happened to catch my pen wag of The Mummy Returns Junior Novel you'd know how much I truly liked it. For a book based on a screenplay written for young adults, it was a really good read. It left me wanting to read other things that John Whitman had written. Unfortunately, John Whitman does not write The Mummy Chronicles.

They aren't bad they just lack the descriptive bits that made The Mummy Returns Junior Novel seem like, well, a real book. The chronicles follow young Alex O'Connell and his quest to protect the mysteries of ancient Egypt and occasionally save the world. Along the way, he goes all junior Medjai on Nazis, rotting pygmy corpses and the Sting King himself - you guessed it, The Scorpion King.

If you truly have a hankering for thrills and chills of the mummified kind, I suggest you pick up John Whitman's The Mummy Returns Junior Novel or check out The Rock all thespian-like at a megaplex near you.

The Scorpion King Rating: 4

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