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Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes :: Xbox 360 Game Review

Reviewed by on Oct 07, 2009
Rating: 2 Star Rating

Being a Jedi hero is cool and super fun, but only if you can pull off the moves. Read the review and see how well the latest Clone Wars game delivers the Jedi experience!

A Clone for Clone Wars fans

Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes follows a familiar pattern. There are fighting sequences mixed in with platforming. [KWLINK 20383]You play with a computer or a friend who can drop-in and out whenever[/KWLINK]. Republic Heroes steps it up a notch with the inclusion of competitive challenges that pits you against your partner in seeing who can defeat more enemies or collect more stuff. Collect stuff on each level to earn points that you can use to upgrade and unlock new powers and cheats.

Fans of the Clone Wars cartoon series will enjoy this game. The graphics and storyline fits perfectly with the TV show. You get the chance to play as all the characters, who are voiced by their original voice actors as well. As well, you get to visit the many beautiful worlds of the Star Wars universe and they look great.

Anger and the Dark Side

While the graphics are beautiful, you will sometimes wish that the game had a simpler look. During large battles, with lasers and people everywhere, it can be hard to see what you are doing. Also, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if an object is a platform you can jump to or a part of the background.

It does not help that the controls lack precision. The characters slide a bit after running, which can make them fall off cliffs whenever you try to stop. Also, the camera is often too far away or positioned poorly for jumps, making it hard to see where you need to go to next.

Control problems also affect combat, as there always seem to be a bit of a lag in input, making it hard to chain combos together and making your Jedi very clumsy instead of cool.

Overall, the game is very pretty and has a good idea, but the controls ruin the experience and makes the game very annoying to play. Not recommended.


Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: T for Teen

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