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Quiz the Coach: Vegetarian Athletes

Aug 06, 2020

Ok Coach,

My dad does not approve of me being a Vegaterian because I’m a Soccer Player. Is he right or is it OK for me to be a Vegeterian even if I play Sports?


To be a Vegetarian is one of the healthiest decisions a person can make, especially if you are an Athlete. Becoming a Healthy Vegetarian isn’t easy. Our society is swamped with meat in the Restaurants and Fast-Food Industry and without the support of your parents, finding Healthy Vegetarian Food could be a problem.

Serious Soccer Strength


Serious Soccer Strength

A Sport like Soccer requires lots of Strength, especially at High Levels. To build your muscles and get strong, you need to have a large amount of Protein in your diet. You have to find a Substitute for Protein that meat provides. Here are some Foods you could try:

Finding Nemo


Finding Nemo

Fish – A lot of Vegetarians choose to eat Fish to get their Protein. Fish is clean and healthy that does not have as much Fat as other meats. A lot of kids are finding out about how good Sushi tastes!

Burritos’ Are The Bomb


Burritos’ Are The Bomb

Beans – You can find Beans in lots of dishes. Refried Beans are delicious in a Taco or Burrito filled with salsa and guacamole. Tofu is also great source of Bean Protein. It’s a great food to throw into a Stir-Fry. Just fry it up with some teriyaki sauce and add vegetables!

Elephant’s Dish


Elephant’s Dish

Nuts - The easiest solution for you is to load up on Nuts. Everyone loves Nuts and they have tons of Protein. Peanut Butter and Banana is the All-Time Greatest Athlete Sandwich!

Not Just For The Birds


Not Just For The Birds

Seeds – You can find Sunflower Seeds at the corner store. They make them dressed up with great seasonings now like Dill and Chilli. Take a bag to the soccer field with you, but don’t play while eating them or you might choke!

Parents Never Perfect


Parents Never Perfect

So if your parents are worried about your health… that’s great! It shows how much they care for you. But you can let them know that there are other ways to supplement meat’s Essential Vitamins! As long as you remember to include Protein in your diet every day, you’ll probably be even healthier than most meat eaters.

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