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Chris Tavarez Interview

Jul 23, 2010

At only 17 years, Chris Tavarez has already accomplished more than most adults. He has appeared in print ads, commercials, tv shows and films. And now he has landed his first big role in the new Disney Chanel movie Avalon High (a film based on the teen novel by bestselling author Meg Cabot). If that isn’t successful enough, Chris is the caption of his football team at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia. And he is highly sought-after by university football scouts!

Kidzworld: You’ve been cast as Lance in the new Disney Channel movie Avalon High. Can you tell us about the film and your character?
Chris: The Disney Channel Original Movie, Avalon High, follows Allie Pennington, a new girl that transfers to Avalon High quickly find out that her the new friends and classmates are reincarnations of King Arthur and his Court. My character Lance is the star wide receiver of the football team and popular kid in town. Lance has been best friends with Will, the team captain and Quarterback of the football team and Will's girlfriend Jen who’s a cheerleader. Everything sounds perfect until Lance falls in love with Jen.

Kidzworld: Outside of Avalon High, what was your favorite film/commercial/tv show to shoot?
Chris: My favorite film to shoot was Big Momma’s House 2. Only because I was so young and new to the acting life. I met great actors such as Martin Lawrence, Nia Long, and Jascha Washington. Being on set was so much fun because Martin kept everyone laughing. Plus, I was in Louisiana, so it was a great experience and a beautiful state to work in.

Kidzworld: You’re not only a talented actor, but also a highly sought-after football player at your high school in Atlanta. When you get down time, what do you enjoy doing?
Chris: Yes, thank you! I don't have much down time, but when I do I love to get a good workout in, or watch Everybody Hates Chris, or talk to my friends/fans on twitter (@thechristavarez).

Kidzworld: How tough is it to juggle your career with your personal life? Do you have time for friends?
Chris: The acting business can definitely get hectic and overwhelming at times, but I try my hardest not to overwork myself.

Kidzworld: Do you have any other hobbies or hidden talents outside of acting or football?
Chris: One of my skills is singing. Not because I'm a great singer, but because I'm such a bad singer it's actually a skill. If there was a competition called "America's Worst Singer", I guarantee I'd win. Except I'm the best "shower-singer", I'm like Mariah Carey in the shower.

Kidzworld: What does a typical day in your life look like?
Chris: A typical day in my life would start off waking up at 6:45 am to go to school, end school at 3 pm, study hall from 3:30- 4:30 pm, football practice from 5- 8 pm, study a little more from 9-10 pm, study/go over my lines for an audition tomorrow from 10-11:30 pm, go to bed at around 12:30 am.

Kidzworld: Who is your idol?
Chris: My idol would have to be my father. His encouraging words from a young age shaped my life. There was a point in my life where I didn’t want to do acting anymore, and he taught me never to quit when something seems too hard. All of his long speeches and lectures really paid off. Haha :)

Kidzworld: Who is your celebrity crush?
Chris: I can't pick just one celebrity crush so I would throw Jessica Alba, Beyonce and Keira Knightley in the wrestling ring and let them fight it out. Whoever survives is my celebrity crush haha.

Kidzworld: All your female fans would love to know, are you single? If so, what are the most important qualities you look for in a girl?
Chris: Yes, I'm single. I don’t look for much in a girl at all. I would just like a girl who's loyal, loves me for me, has a great personality/smile and is 100 percent comfortable around me. Oh, and someone who can laugh at my jokes, I know sometimes they aren't funny but at least crack a smile for me.

Kidzworld: Do you have a favorite quote or motto you live by?
Chris: "Improve everyday, no excuses." This quote is simple and to the point, but if you follow it to its core, then you will become the best YOU.

Kidzworld: What advice do you have for other teenagers who want to follow in your footsteps?
Chris: Pursue your dreams and never give up. Keep at whatever you do until you are the best and until you have accomplished your goals, no matter how farfetched they are.

Have Your Say

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