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Lottery Ticket Movie Review

Reviewed by on Aug 20, 2010
Rating: 2 Star Rating

Bow Wow plays a teen living in the projects who wins $370 million in the lottery. Too bad his crazy neighbors want to claim the prize for themselves! Find out if he Kevin survives the crazies in Kidzworld’s movie review of The Lottery Ticket!

Nobody paid Kevin Carson (Bow Wow) much attention in his Atlanta hood. He and his friend Benny (Brandon T. Jackson) were pretty much left alone until Kevin had the dumb luck to win the $370 million Mondo Millions Jackpot. Suddenly no one will leave them alone!

Weekend Warriors

Kevin is thrilled about his win until he realizes the lottery office is closed for the Fourth of July long weekend. Waiting a few days to cash a huge ticket wouldn’t be a big deal to most people, but when everyone around you suddenly wants a piece of you, three days can seem like an awful long time.

Nasty Neighbors

Suddenly Kevin and Benny are the talk of the town—and everyone wants a piece of them. Sweet Tee, the mob godfather wants Kevin to work for him. Nikki Swayze, the hottest girl in town, wants to date him. And local bad guy Lorenzo just straight up wants the ticket!

Star Power

Auto-tune mixmaster T-Pain plays a small role as the convenience store cashier who sells Kevin the winning ticket. Ice Cube plays Mr. Washington, an old man who never leaves his apartment—and the only person in town who doesn’t want a piece of Kevin’s win.

The Bottom Line

While it’s nice to see Bow Wow in a starring role, Lottery Ticket is as formulaic as it gets. If you’ve seen any of Ice Cube’s other movies, you’ve seen the same characters—there’s always the hot girl, the thug and the likable nice guy—this time played by Bow Wow. But luckily, Bow Wow is likable so you’ll laugh and cringe along with him as he dodges the desperate people in his neighborhood.

Lottery Ticket Rating: 2

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