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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn :: DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Nov 28, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Gather up your Djinns and get ready to fight some evil as the Golden Sun series returns in style!

Golden Sun is a Japanese RPG series that had two great games for the Gameboy Advance several years back. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn continues the story of the original game, but puts the story ahead thirty years from when you last saved the world.

Refreshing Your Memory

Even if you have not played the previous Golden Sun games, you will be able to pick up and enjoy Dark Dawn. Even old fans of the series won't remember everything clearly and the game takes all of this into consideration. The game's tutorial introduction brings in the heroes from the previous game and takes you on a rescue mission. The introduction will also let you catch up on the story.

Mixing Djinn and Tonics

All the characters have psychic powers, called Psynergy, which allows them to push and pull and do other things in the overworld outside of battle. Using these powers, you can solve some really neat puzzles and explore dungeons.

There is also the Djinn system, which uses elemental creatures called Djinns. There are 80 of these little guys to find in the world and you can assign up to nine of them to each of your characters. The Djinns provide stat boosts, special attacks, and the ability to do huge summons. The system is complex but really interesting and fun to use.

Overall, Dark Dawn is awesome. It looks great and has awesome music. The only problem is that the story drags on a little and there is a bit too much talking. There are lots of great battle systems in the game, but most likely you will end up sticking to only one: physical attacks, Djinn, or magic, which are all overpowered on their own and is a shame since each is cool in their own right. At the very least, it might give you reason to replay this great game.


Price: $34.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+

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